TeesDance - Young Choreographer
Earners of this badge have successfully choreographed and showcased their own creations. Working collaboratively, earners have demonstrated knowledge of choreographic devices to structure choreography and add depth to their overall idea and make their own dance pieces.
Choreography Creative Creativity Critical Reflection Demonstrate Leadership Master A Skill Project TeamworkCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner created their own choreography that was showcased on a large stage in front of a live audience. Earner has demonstrated originality of movement for expressing the dance idea, mood, theme, feelings and music and selected appropriate movement material and developments that enhanced the meaning of the dance. Earner has demonstrated an understanding of choreographic devices to structure choreography and add depth through selection, manipulation and refinement of material.
Earner has worked collaboratively in a professional setting with professional artists to make choreography of artistic high-quality. Earner has demonstrated leadership in directing performers to create and develop dance material using excellent communication, facilitation and teaching skills.
Earner has taken part in a variety of choreographic workshops and creative processes to develop new skills of creativity, teamwork, leadership and time management. Earner can actively be reflective in their work, being able to identify areas of development and put measures in place to improve their work.
Earner has developed the knowledge and understanding to plan a project in a specific timescale with the ability to troubleshoot any challenges in meeting set deadlines. Earners can execute a final project from the initial idea to delivery to completion.
Earner can present their dance idea to their performers to ensure their dance idea, mood, theme, feelings and music is portrayed through selection, manipulation and refinement of material. Earner can present their own work by showcasing their own choreography to a paying live audience.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Darlington Hippodrome, Parkgate, Darlington, DL1 1RR
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