
Personal Development - Self-Motivation and Enthusiasm

Earners of this badge have developed and demonstrated self-motivation and enthusiasm as part of a personal, professional and community enrichment programme. Self-Motivation is one of five transferrable skills required by employers in the region and is acquired through the Cambridge Regional College Personal Development Portfolio.

Careers Development Course Employability Enthusiasm Gatsby Benchmark Master A Skill National Curriculum Participate Personal Development Self-Confidence Self-Motivation Willingness To Learn


This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.

Earner has developed positive behaviours and self-aspiration including self-motivation and enthusiasm through employability focused or volunteering sessions, part of the Personal Development Portfolio at Cambridge Regional College.
Earner has demonstrated their skills in class-room settings, and/ or through written assignments which are then assessed by a designated teacher as part of the student's Personal Development Portfolio.
Earner has received feedback from their teacher with regards to reaching their personal goals and building self-confidence and motivation. The constructive feedback includes how these skills can be further developed as part of the student's ongoing personal development and employability training.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.


    About this badge

  • Experience badge
  • school Foundational level
  • currency_pound Available at no charge
  • schedule Takes months to complete
  • people Individuals earn this badge
  • people Participate in-person

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