
Microsoft Excel / Spreadsheet Skills - Intermediate

Earners of this badge have completed a formal course in Microsoft Excel. Earners have progressed from their basic digital knowledge and have improved their understanding of spreadsheets. The training has been designed to improve their productivity and skills of Excel. Earners have demonstrated an improved competence in a variety of different Excel skills.

Spreadsheets Microsoft Excel Excel Formulas Mathematics Data Analysis Vlookups Text Extraction Digital Skills Participate COURSE TRAINING IT


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has written multiple different types of formulas such as SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE.
Earner has applied formatting to make a spreadsheets look professional and improve their readability.
Earner has understood and applied various lookup formulas to extract information from other spreadsheets such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP and XLOOKUP
Earner has gained competency in applying mathematical and logical formulas such as IF
Earner has created and used Tables.
Earner has used SUMIFS and COUNTIFS to analyse data in their spreadsheets.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.


    About this badge

  • Experience badge
  • school Foundational level
  • currency_pound Available at no charge
  • schedule Takes weeks to complete
  • people Individuals earn this badge
  • wifi Participate online

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