Musinc - Creative Activity Participant
Earners of this badge have attended regular rehearsals with Musinc @ Middlesbrough Town Hall. They have worked in collaboration with the tutors and their peers, and developed their skills in their chosen discipline.
Personal Development Music Performing Arts Commitment Teamwork Collaboration Creativity Communication MASTER A SKILL Participate Personal Reflection Creative WORKSHOPCriteria
Earner has increased their knowledge and skill in their chosen arts field (music, theatre and/or dance).
Earner has shown a willingness to collaborate with their peers and their group’s facilitators. They can give others constructive feedback, where appropriate.
Earner has demonstrated an ability to reflect on their own work and receive constructive feedback from others.
Earner has shown they are confident making artistic decisions and are able to articulate their creative ideas.
This badge is open to all.
Middlesbrough Town Hall, Albert Road, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom, TS1 2RH
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