Digital Applications in Construction
Earners of this badge have attended a short course to learn how Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be utilised throughout a construction lifecycle of a project. Applicants for this course have some experience using Revit or similar software or have undertaken entry level training on this prior to the course.
Digital Literacy Autodesk Revit Systems Development Life Cycle COURSE MASTER A SKILL Construction Building Information Modelling ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has learnt about the process and benefits of integrating BIM in a project lifecycle and how information can be managed throughout.
Earner has learnt about digital tools such as Revit and Drone technologies.
Earner has learnt about the application of digital tools to specific examples such as reviewing and replacing rooftop plant/equipment.
Earner has learnt about Scanning utilising different technologies (including drones), 3D modelling, 2D drawings and Data handling.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Openshaw Campus, Ashton Old Rd, Manchester, United Kingdom, M11 2WH
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Openshaw Campus, Ashton Old Rd, Manchester, United Kingdom, M11 2WH
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