Drone Surveying Course
Earners of this badge have attended a short Drone surveying 101 course, where students explored a variety of methods and technologies used in drone surveying. Applicants to this course have a level 3 professional qualification in Construction, or Construction related subjects, or equivalent industry experience.
Surveying Drone Pilot Drone Software COURSE MASTER A SKILL Participate ConstructionCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has explored a variety of methods and technologies used in drone surveying.
Earner has gained insight in how to utilise the software needed to maximise the potential of drones.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Deane Road Campus, Deane Road, Bolton, United Kingdom, BL3 5BG
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Deane Road Campus, Deane Road, Bolton, United Kingdom, BL3 5BG
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