
Introduction to Sustainable and Alternative Sources of Energy

Earners of this badge have attended a short course designed to meet the needs of existing workforces and new entrants by upskilling them and providing them with an understanding of ‘Green’ technologies that will enable them to progress in their careers. This course is for existing workforces/tradespeople who are looking to widen their knowledge and upskill to meet the demands of NetZero and work with more sustainable, energy efficient products.

Renewable Energy COURSE MASTER A SKILL Sustainable Energy NetZero Construction Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has gained knowledge of different, renewable sources of energy and and their applications in the construction industry.
Earner has learnt how to to identify the advantages and disadvantages of different sources of energy and identify the types of energy used in a range of environments.
Earner has understood how the use of more sustainable, energy efficient products can contribute to NetZero targets.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Trafford College, Manchester Road, Manchester, United Kingdom, WA14 5PQ


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