Blast Furnace Projects - Screen Industry Knowledge
Earners of this badge have participated in a series of workshops led by industry professionals to learn about the different roles and jobs in the screen industries and have learned what these job roles involve.
Workshop Project Creative Careers Screen Industries Costume Design Screen Industry Makeup, Scriptwriting Digital Platforms Directing Production Design Time Management Commitment Organisation Communication Teamwork Film and TV ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has attended six 2-hour workshops or more.
Earner has participated in practical activities led by the industry professional to further understand the knowledge, skills and craft involved in a specific discipline, such as Costume Design, Scriptwriting, Sound, Production Design, Film Directing and Makeup.
Earner has contributed their thoughts and ideas during workshop activity, group discussions and through post-workshop tasks via their journal.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Freebrough Academy, Linden Road, Brotton, TS12 2SJ
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