How to understand your stress bucket (2 of 8)
Earners have accessed an online document with audio which shows how everyone is a stress container. The earner has listened to the audio and watched the video to understand different types of stress and helpful and unhelpful coping mechanisms.
Wellbeing Engage Self Awareness Self Discipline Critical Reflection Self Control Stress Management Information Online LearningCriteria
The Earner of this badge has learnt about the causes of stress and how each individual is a stress container. The Earner has also learnt, reflected upon and understood what their stresses are and what they do when they are stressed and has gained an understanding of their own stress levels. Earners have learnt about helpful and unhelpful coping mechanisms and have been assessed through three questions.
By watching the video, the earner has learnt how to recognise the elements in their own lives which can contribute to stress. They have reflected and looked at how they can use self control and self discipline and how they can adapt their behaviours and thinking before the elements collect to cause stress.
The earner has engaged with the video by answering the ongoing questions posed throughout the delivery. From this they have understood what are good coping methods and bad coping strategies. They have looked at their own lives and evaluated how the deal with the stresses in their own experience and self evaluated how they could have worked through the situation differently. They have also gained go to coping strategies and recommendations on how to avoid bad coping strategies.
The earner has engaged in a survey to look at their approach to stress. By doing this they have achieved an extended level of personal awareness, recognised where their stresses lies and have been able to put together new coping strategies to help with their personal stress management in order to assist their wellbeing going forward.
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