Supporting yourself or someone else who is feeling mentally unwell (7 of 8)
Earners of this badge have accessed a Powerpoint presentation which details where the Earner can go should they need further information or help with Mental Health problems, as well as different support available to an individual prior to signposting. During this activity, earners have understood the definition of active listening and encouragement, and have completed a quiz to ensure their learning objectives have been met.
Engage Self Awareness Sincerity Online Learning Wellbeing Safeguarding Confidence Building Problem Solving Effective Communication Caring Nature Listening Empathy InformationCriteria
Earner has taken the time to access two infographics via a landing page which provides information on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing to gain knowledge on how to support themselves or others. Earners have also understood the meaning of active listening and have accessed the NHS website for more information on The 5 Ways to Wellbeing. The Earner of this badge has also understood the content of the infographic and will have answered a short quiz correctly.
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