
Badge Nation – Publishing Pro

Earners of this badge have successfully and consistently published high-quality digital badges submitted by Badge Nation member organisations.

Demonstrate Digital And Technology Publishing Digital Badges Microsoft Outlook Metadata Quality Assurance Writing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Customer Support Google Sheets General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Job


This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.

Earner has demonstrated their understanding of digital badge issuing platforms, such as Credly and Navigatr, to successfully publish a new digital badge submitted by a Badge Nation member organisation.
Earner has demonstrated their understanding of Google Sheets to identify required metadata for the new badge. Earner has copied and pasted this information to fill fields for the badge Title, Description, Skills Tags, Earning Criteria, and Standards.
Earner has located and uploaded an appropriate PNG file to be displayed as the badge visual.
Earner has created a new badge collection or provider account and has successfully allocated the badge to the relevant Badge Nation member organisation, ready to be issued to earners.
Earner has granted the required level of access to enable users to issue their new digital badge. While processing personal information, earner has demonstrated appropriate use of GDPR.
Earner has demonstrated successful written communication and use of Microsoft Outlook by emailing the badge writer and relevant admins to notify them that their badge has been published and is available for issuing to earners.
Earner has recognised and rewarded the achievement of the Badge Writer by issuing them with the ‘Badge Nation Published Digital Badge Writer’ badge.
Earner has updated relevant tracking to maintain a tidy virtual working environment and contribute to Key Performance Indicator records for the Customer Support and Quality Assurance team.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Accessed online.


    About this badge

  • Validation badge
  • school Intermediate level
  • currency_pound Available at no charge
  • schedule Takes weeks to complete
  • people Individuals earn this badge
  • wifi Participate online

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