Brighton Dome - Open day volunteer
Earners of this badge have taken part in one or more of the various open days held at the Brighton Dome throughout the year.
Demonstrate Creative Community Engagement Events Volunteer Teamwork Interpersonal Communications Customer Service CommunicationsCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has volunteered their time, working for at least one Brighton Dome volunteer event.
Earner has provided excellent customer service by interacting with the general public, using appropriate methods of communication tailored to a variety of different audiences. Earner has assisted members of the public to take part in activities relevant to the day.
Earner has demonstrated teamwork by working as part of a larger team of volunteers and staff to create a welcoming and engaging event for attendees.
Earner has represented the Brighton Dome in a professional manner.
Earner has demonstrated their understanding of all relevant health and safety regulations to keep themselves and the public safe during the event.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Brighton Dome, Church Street, Brighton BN1 1UE
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