Gordons LLP Apprenticeship Information Session
Earners of this badge have successfully attended an Apprenticeship Information session presented by Gordons LLP looking at their Apprenticeship Programme, Entry Criteria, Application Form and interview tips. Earners have gained an understanding of Gordons LLP Apprentice personal journey and were able to ask the Apprentice recruitment related questions.
Apprenticeship Career Development Communication Curiosity Employability Engage Information Law Legal Listening Personal DevelopmentCriteria
Earner has demonstrated a better understanding of Gordons LLP Apprenticeship Programme with entry requirements.
Earner has gained understanding of the application and recruitment process required to join Gordons LLP Apprenticeship programme by communicating knowledge they have learned from the information session.
Earner has demonstrated great listening skills by listening attentively to the Apprentice personal journey with joining the Gordons LLP Apprenticeship programme.
Earner has demonstrated curiosity in asking questions about Gordons LLP Apprenticeship Programme.
Earner has volunteered their time to attend the Apprentice information session.
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Gordons LLP, 1 New Augustus St, Bradford, United Kingdom, BD1 5LL
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