
Earners of this badge participated in a 10 hour plus consultancy training programme. This comprised of interactive workshops on problem solving, consultancy, leadership, team working, planning, and presenting skills. They joined a SHoKE Student Consult multi-discipline project team which tackled operational challenges proposed by external partners. They applied their knowledge, skills, and experience; and presented a student consultancy report to stakeholders.

Time Management Teamwork Sustainability Strategies Social Policy Self-Motivation Resilience Presentation Skill Intercultural Competence Influencing Skills Emotional Intelligence Digital Literacy Critical Thinking Corporate Social Responsibility Consulting Complex Problem Solving Communications Volunteer Project Consultancy Knowledge Exchange Demonstrate


This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.

Earner has completed a consultancy project in a managed, professional, and collaborative manner; applying their expertise and skills to support partners with problem-solving.
Earner participated in skills development workshops and gained industry and policy awareness; applying the techniques of reflective practice to assess personal performance and develop improvement strategies.
Earner has worked in an academically and culturally diverse team, demonstrating advanced and transferable inclusive teamworking and employability skills.
Earner has presented their ideas/solutions in a formal presentation and received partner feedback.
Earner has applied consultancy problem-solving methods to analyse evidence and produce impact and influence on stakeholders.
Earner has demonstrated proficiency in essential IT skills such as Microsoft software and applications.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.


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