The Young Leaders Programme - Gold Award
Earners of this badge have completed a minimum of 100 hours of volunteering as a young leader within Romsey Mill’s Young Leaders Programme. Earners have undertaken a broad range of tasks and duties such as helping set up and clear away, running games and activities and providing support for the Youth workers wherever it is needed.
Demonstrate Volunteering Project Management Self-confidence Community Outreach Communications Time Management Teamwork Mentorship Leadership Community Volunteering Charity And Social EnterpriseCriteria
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Earner has gained a deeper insight into volunteering. They have gained confidence and skills in administration whilst developing practical skills such as setting up and clearing up rooms, and helping serve food and drink. These skills have been developed within 100 hours of volunteering, supported and guided by Romsey Mill’s Youth Development Team.
Earner has demonstrated commitment to personal development by building on their soft skills. Examples include teamwork, managing behaviour, leadership and time management. Earner has confidently carried out duties as a Young Leaders Volunteer.
Earner has undertaken their volunteering in a working, place-based environment and has gained first hand experience in managing and prioritising daily tasks. Earner has also benefitted from mentoring from an assigned Youth Worker.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Romsey Mill Centre, Hemingford Road, Cambridge, CB1 3BZ
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