GEMS NI - Career Readiness Scheme
Earners of this badge have successfully completed a Career Readiness Scheme with GEMS NI - a work experience programme which includes a level of individual choice and targeted employability learning. Over the course of a week, participants were given access to work in range of roles in HM Revenue & Customs tailored to their personal interests which they volunteered in their application.
Analytical Thinking Critical Thinking Customer Service Decision Making Demonstrate Digital Credentials Digital Skills Employability HMRC Leadership Mentoring Professionalism Public Sector Work ExperienceCriteria
Earner has taken part in 5 days of interactive placement across distinct areas of work within HMRC Belfast.
Earner has taken part in delivering HMRC’s strategic objectives by acting on behalf of the department through answering queries and working through open cases in a supervised environment.
Earner has completed a comprehensive overview of the Civil Service recruitment process and framework.
Earner has completed a bespoke learning package on Teams, Outlook, Word and Excel Microsoft software packages to a basic level of understanding.
Earner has participated in workshops underlining the importance of diversity, inclusion, equality, values and cultures in the workplace.
Earner has has taken a hands-on practical approach, successfully completing a range of duties within their placement and receiving feedback on their performance.
Earner has developed a deeper understanding of HMRC.
This badge is open to all.
20-32 Chichester Street, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 4GF
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20-32 Chichester Street, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 4GF
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