Finding Jobs Online and Within Social Media
Earners of this badge have learnt how to use social media to identify new job opportunities and how to automate the job searching process. This workshop focusses on the top three social media sites used for employment and covers the importance of having an online social presence to secure a new job.
Career Development Communication Digital And Technology Employability Keyword Search Participate Personal Brand Research Self Awareness Social Media Social Media Advertising Social Networks Workshop Written CommunicationCriteria
Earner has developed basic knowledge of online search tools available to find jobs.
Earner has developed knowledge of job boards such as Indeed and CV library and how to register an account.
Earner has developed knowledge of the benefits of being online and having a social media profile. They also have knowledge of how content on social media may affect their job application.
Earner has developed an understanding of the best social networks for finding a job including, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
Earner has developed knowledge of using online websites such as the National Careers service website to explore careers, find courses and Get a Job.
This badge is open to all.
Innovation Factory, 385 Springfield Road, Belfast, BT12 7DG
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