
Belfast City Council Academy - First Aid

Earners of this badge have successfully completed their Level 3 First Aid course as part of a Belfast City Council Academy. Earners have received an emergency first aid at work certificate which is valid for three years by the British Red Cross. HSE requires six contact hours for this course.

Training Transferable Skills Resilience Problem Solving Commitment Participate Course First Aid Time Management Teamwork Career Development Communication


By application, please contact the provider for more information

Earner has completed a one-day First Aid course. The course covers the minimum requirement in any workplace where a first aider is needed.
Earner has completed learning in the following areas, Roles and responsibilities in the workplace of the Qualified First Aider, Assessing incidents and managing casualties, Choking, shock, minor injuries, eye injuries, burns and scalds, Internal and external bleeding, Chest injuries, Major illnesses.
Earner has completed a range of group activities to test their knowledge through out the course.


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