
Academy Skills: Employability Skills

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have successfully completed a series of workshops including Goal setting and SMART techniques, creating and tailoring your CV, and Interview Skills Preparation including mock interviews. The workshops were tailored towards the needs of the IT sector and IT roles that the earner is working towards.

Career Development Commitment Communication Communication Skills Course Digital And Technology Employability Goal Setting. SMART Interview Skills Listening Skills Participate Personal Development Planning Presentation Skills Problem Solving Professional Development Resilience Soft Skills Star Teamwork Transferable Skills


By application, please contact the provider for more information

Earner has participated in a workshop on Goal setting, and developed knowledge how to use the SMART model, and how to apply the SMART model to job searching.
Earner has participated in workshops that highlighted the importance of creating and tailoring a CV to different sectors, roles and employers. Earner received one to one support and feedback to assist in developing a marketable CV, demonstrating individual key strengths and abilities.
Earner has participated in workshops to learn how to prepare for interviews and help improve interview techniques. Earner has developed knowledge of how to prepare answers for competency based interviews using the STAR technique. Earner has also been given information on: appropriate interview clothing, how to present during interview and deliver excellent communication skills.
Earner has attended a mock interview with an industry representative to help refine their interview technique and also increase their confidence. The earner has received oral and written feedback to help improve their future interview technique.
Earner has participated in preparation for a group interview through group projects, group discussions and role playing organised by the trainer. The purpose of this exercise was to improve confidence in teamwork and presentation skills. The earner has received feedback to help improve interview technique.
By application, please contact the provider for more information


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