National Pool Lifeguard Qualification
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this Badge have completed the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) training course over a minimum of 36 hours and 100% attendance. Earner has developed the practical skills required to undertake a role as a pool lifeguard.
Casualty Recovery Confidence CPR First Aid Lifeguard Participate Pool Rescue Sports and Leisure Swimming Swimming Pool Theory Training Water Safety WorkshopCriteria
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Earner has attended a series of workshops to develop their understanding of pool rescue techniques, lifeguarding theory, swimming pool theory and water safety. Earner has learned how to identify potential hazards as well as methods of casualty recovery, and first aid including CPR.
Earner has demonstrated competency by applying knowledge gained in workshops to a range of practical assessments in swimming pool-based scenarios.
Earner has confidently demonstrated their ability to swim to set times, dive to the deepest part of the pool, and lift casualties from the water.
Earner has been independently assessed on their practical knowledge and has demonstrated theoretical knowledge through successful completion of multiple-choice question papers.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Belfast City Hall, Donegall Square North, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 5GS
Earn this badge
This badge is part of a wider objective, on this pathway:
Belfast City Hall, Donegall Square North, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 5GS
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