Programming in HTML with JavaScript and CSS3
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Earners of this badge have successfully completed learning and understanding of City and Guilds Programming in HTML with JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheet level 3 (CSS3) (7540/635) . Earners gained the knowledge and skills for utilising HTML, JavaScript, and CSS3 to develop and style web applications and interfaces. Earners completed the guided learning hours for this course of 35 hours
Adaptability Career Development Commitment Communication Course Creating Applications Creative Digital And Technology Implementing Programming Logic JavaScript Logic Participate Problem Solving Programming Resilience Teamwork Technical Acumen Time Management Transferable SkillsCriteria
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Earner has participated in theory and practical activities to develop knowledge of HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript to implement programming language and logic to design, create and test software to solve a given problem.
Earner has acquired skills in Creating and Styling HTML pages and how to present content by using HTML5, and how to style content by using CSS in practical and project activities.
Earner has gained knowledge and skills of JavaScript Programming. Through practical activities, the earner was able to demonstrate their ability to create and present an application.
Earner has completed an assessment in HTML with JavaScript and CSS3. Earner has created a web based game or application that would run in the browser.
By application, please contact the provider for more information
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Belfast City Council, Donegall Square North, City Hall, Belfast, BT1 5GS
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