Software Design Fundamentals
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have successfully completed City and Guilds Software Design Fundamentals (7540/033). Whilst participating on this course, earners have demonstrated competencies and developed knowledge designing software to meet defined requirements by following design standards and principles using Java. Earners completed guided learning hours of 150 hours.
Career Development Coding Commitment Communication Course Digital And Technology Object Orientated Participate Problem Solving Programming Project Management Resilience Software Design Software Fundamentals Teamwork Time Management Tools Transferable SkillsCriteria
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Earner has gained practical knowledge and skills in the principles of software design and computer programming in the IT Systems Development Life Cycle.
Earner has engaged in practical projects and activities to develop skills and competencies to apply the techniques of software design.
Earner has, through project work and tutor led work, acquired the skills and competencies to develop algorithms to represent problems and to use tools (e.g. Pseudo code) to prepare software designs.
Earner has successfully completed a practical and written examination to gain accreditation. Earner has delivered a project within the specifications required to create and design a Theatre Booking system.
By application, please contact the provider for more information
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Belfast City Council, Donegall Square North, City Hall, Belfast, BT1 5GS
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