
Health and Safety Training

Available from multiple providers

Earners were introduced to Health and Safety arrangements and the importance of following risk assessments and codes of practice to ensure legislative compliance to address various workplace hazards. Training covered: Corporate Health & Safety Policies, Codes of Practices, Health & Safety Roles and Responsibilities, Accident Reporting procedures, Workplace Hazards , Risk Assessments, Manual Handling – how to avoid injury, Work Related Violence and Abuse, First Aid and Fire Safety.

Communication Career Development Teamwork Time Management Health And Safety Awareness of Legislation and Codes of Practice Training Participate Commitment Problem Solving Resilience Transferable Skills Communication Skills Workplace Hazard Awareness Safe working procedures Risk Assessment Aware Fire Safety and First Aid Arrangements


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Earner engaged in group discussions and established workplace hazards they may encounter. The earner developed their knowledge on Health & Safety in relation to ensuring safe workplaces for staff and visitors, and compliance with legislation requirements. Earners developed knowledge and skills eg Manual Handling, discussions were held on best practice on how to avoid injury and safe working practices to follow in the workplace including a practical on safe lifting techniques.
Earner has developed an understanding of the legislations that underpins health and safety arrangements within the organisation. They developed a knowledge of a number of Codes of Practice relating to the workplace safety arrangements.
Earner has developed a knowledge of different types of hazards they may encounter in the workplace e.g. Working at Height, Workplace Transport, Electrical Safety, Chemical Safety, First Aid, Fire Safety. Earners developed their communication skills by participating in a group discussion on different examples of workplace hazards and safe working practices to avoid injury.
Earner has developed and understanding of the safe working arrangements to be followed in the organisation and the risk assessment process they must follow as part of their day-to-day job. Earners gained a knowledge of the health and safety roles and responsibilities of both an employee and employer, and developed an understanding of actions to be taken in the event of a fire and first aid procedures.


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