Level 1 Manual Handling
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this Badge are aware of the correct and safe procedures of moving and handling goods in the work place, earners have participated in group workshops where they have developed their knowledge through demonstrations an group practical learning.
Participate Communication Commitment Career Development Problem Solving Teamwork Resilience Time Management Transferable Skills Course Manual HandlingCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information
Earners of this Badge have looked at the legal requirements of moving and handling in the workplace.
Earners have looked at the correct and safe moving and handling procedures to prevent cumulative strain, they have examined the correct lifting techniques and the effects of poor lifting techniques.
Earners are skilled on how to carry out risk assessments , how to identify risks and how to correctly record risks.
Earners have taken part in a demonstration and practical group work of kinetic lifting.
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