Social Media Tools For The Workplace
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have completed training which has developed their knowledge of Social Media in the workplace. Through this course earners will gain an understanding of how building a social media strategy will expand on inbound marketing efforts as well as build brand awareness, drive word of mouth, and attract buyers.
Transferable Skills Time Management Resilience Teamwork Problem Solving Career Development Commitment Communication Participate Workshop Master A Skill Social Media Social Media Strategy Brand Awareness Inbound Marketing BrandingCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information
Earners have increased their knowledge of building customer loyalty and how to attract new customers though messaging, consideration of language and by using a range of social media platforms.
Earners have the knowledge of how to create a social media strategy which will expand on inbound marketing efforts as well as build brand awareness.
Earners have developed their knowledge of social media and how it can be used to drive word of mouth, attract buyers and maximise company value and branding.
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Belfast City Hall, Donegall Square North, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 5GS
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