Brighton Festival Volunteer Content Collector
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have worked to collect content such as photos or interviews to document the experiences of volunteers within The Brighton Dome and Brighton Festival organisation. Earners have used expert skills to create content that can be used on social media and marketing to promote volunteering at the organisation to new groups within the community.
Content creation Creativity Following instructions Professionalism Working independently Flexibility Adapting Volunteering Demonstrate Time management Organisation Communication TeamworkCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has communicated with volunteers to arrange meeting times and locations, and used organisational skills to ensure they upheld these commitments.
Earners has represented The Brighton Dome and Brighton Festival by behaving in a professional manner at all times.
Earner has followed a brief for interviewing and photographing volunteers.
Earner has communicated clearly with the volunteers to ensure they were aware of the project and what the aim of the interviews and photos were.
Earner has used expert skills to capture content for use on promotional materials and social media.
Earner has used a flexible approach and adapted to the needs of the volunteer and the location.
Earner has worked in a small team and supported each other to ensure the brief was met.
Earner has shown commitment by adapting to various different hours and travelling to a range of locations.
Earner has problem solved to overcome issues with sound or lighting.
Earner has ensured their content was saved correctly and delivered in an efficient manner.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
Brighton Dome, Church Street, Brighton, United Kingdom, BN1 1UE
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