Brighton Festival Children’s Parade Volunteer
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have volunteered at Brighton Festival Children's Parade. This is the first event of the festival and sets the tone for the rest of the month. Earners have created a festival atmosphere and helped audience members to get excited about the month's events. Earners have helped with festival promotion by handing out brochures and flyers to the public.
Communication Enthusiasm Promotion Marketing Time management Organisation Teamwork Positive Creative Volunteering DemonstrateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated good organisational skills, ensuring that they arrived prior to the event at the agreed location.
Earner has positively represented the Brighton Festival by behaving in a professional manner.
Earner has communicated effectively with members of the public in a clear manner to inform them of upcoming events.
Earner has contributed to the festival atmosphere and helped to create a positive upbeat event, by smiling and waving to the crowds.
Earner has promoted events at the Brighton Festival by handing out leaflets and brochures to the public.
Earner has worked effectively as part of the volunteer team by getting to know the other members. They communicated any questions or queries to the group and support one another to walk the parade route.
Earner has followed health and safety and safeguarding polices to ensure the safety of themselves, other volunteers, staff and the public.
Earner has followed instructions from staff regarding the event and what to do whilst volunteering.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
Brighton Dome, Church Street, Brighton, United Kingdom, BN1 1UE
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