
Agile Product Management

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have learned the fundamentals of Agile Product Management. Earners have learnt how to apply the Agile methodology to product management and how to develop effective, customer-centric product management processes. The course covers the importance of collaboration and communication, and how to use Agile tools and techniques, working in short sprints to build and test features and then incorporating feedback from stakeholders into future iterations.

Agile methodology Communication Product management Agile product management Collaboration Digital & technology Product Course Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has understood the fundamentals of agile product management through classroom learning and how to apply them to a product development project in a practical environment.
Earner has learned how to create and manage an agile product roadmap through classroom and practical activities.
Earner has identified and undertaken some of the key roles and responsibilities in an agile product management team through classroom and practical activities.
Earner has developed an understanding of the agile processes, tools, and techniques used to deliver successful projects.
Earner has explored the various agile methodologies and how they differ from each other primarily through classroom learning.
Earner understands the importance of customer feedback and product validation.
Earner has identified ways to measure and monitor the success of an agile product through classroom learning activities.
Earner has developed a strategy for meeting customer needs and delivering value.
Earner has learned how to manage stakeholders and effectively communicate project status through practical and role playing activities.
Earner has utilised agile tools to support collaboration and improve product delivery.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
FIT Ltd, Portview Trade Centre, 310 Newtownards Rd, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT4 1HE


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