
Excel Modelling and Working with Data

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have learned how to effectively organise, analyse, and interpret data using Microsoft Excel. Earners have learned how to use Excels advanced features to create powerful spreadsheets, charts, and graphs. They have also learned how to use data to make informed decisions, create models to analyse data, and develop strategies for working with data.

Data Data analysis Microsoft excel Spreadsheets Charts Graphs Digital & technology Technical upskilling Course Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has understood the basics of Excel, including how to enter and format data in a worksheet.
Earner has learned how to create basic formulas (e.g. summing data, multiplications, divisions etc.) and use functions in Excel.
Earner has developed skills in presenting data in the form of charts and graphs (e.g. bar charts, line graphs, pie charts etc.).
Earner has practiced the use of pivot tables to present data, sorting and filtering data to identify trends, and creating data tables to help summarise data.
Earner has learned how to use Excel to analyse data and perform “what if” scenarios. For instance, using sales figures to perform calculations to assess the impact of turnover, costs, and profit.
Earner has become familiar with common data analysis techniques and tools (e.g. charting data, summations, averages, median).
Earner has understood the basics of data modelling and data visualisation (e.g. tables, charts).
Earner has gained an understanding of the principles of good data management.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
FIT Ltd, Portview Trade Centre, 310 Newtownards Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT4 1HE


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