Volunteer Coordinator at Brighton Festival
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have assisted with managing and supporting volunteers during the Brighton Festival. Earner has worked with staff to create volunteer rotas, answer volunteer questions and provide them with information relevant to their role.
Organisation People management Self motivation Professionalism Communication Administrative duties It skills Demonstrate Creative Volunteering VolunteerCriteria
Earner has used organisational skills to create a volunteer rota for their volunteer team, ensuring all events are covered by volunteers.
Earner has provided the necessary information to volunteers to allow them to carry out their roles such as timings and locations.
Earner has answered any volunteer questions and worked with staff members to overcome any volunteer issues.
Earner has used IT skills to provide additional administrative support for the department they have been working in.
Earner has managed their own time effectively and met deadlines required within their role.
Earner has communicated with volunteers via email in a professional manner.
Earner has represented the Brighton Festival and upheld the standards of the organisation in the work they have carried out.
Earners have inspired and influenced other members of the volunteer team to take an active role in the festival.
Earner has provided feedback on the volunteer process to help shape the volunteer offer in the future.
Earner has followed the health and safety and safeguarding policies of Brighton Festival to ensure the safety of themselves, other volunteers, staff and members of the public.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
Brighton Dome, Church St, Brighton, United Kingdom, BN1 1UE
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