Corporate Induction Day
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have completed a corporate induction day which provides new employees with an overview of the Cambridge City Council's role, how it operates, and where each department fits within its structure. Earners have joined this session either online or at one of the Council’s locations across the city.
Participate Corporate Training Course Training Self Management Professionalism Willingness to Learn Competency Framework Corporate Social Responsibility Diversity Awareness Safeguarding Cyber Security Information Privacy Interpersonal Communications Customer ServiceCriteria
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Earner has demonstrated their willingness to learn by positively engaging in the session content and contributing to discussion. They have also displayed professionalism and interpersonal communication by representing themselves well when required to engage with colleagues.
Earner has gained context about their own specific role and the Council's expectations from employees. Earner has been introduced to a competency framework, and informed about employee benefits, entitlements, and the support available.
Earner has understood the Council's values and how employees demonstrate these values and behavioural attributes through their own self-management.
Earner has gained awareness of the Council's purpose, strategy, and vision. This includes corporate social responsibility, the services that the council provides, and how each service plays a key role in delivering the Council’s vision.
Earner has developed a better understanding of the direction and objectives of the Council, its role in the provision of local services, and how the Council meets the needs and expectations of communities by delivering quality customer service.
Earner has gained knowledge about the Council's safeguarding, Information security and Data Protection policies including privacy, cyber security, and diversity awareness.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Mandela House, 4 Regent Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, CB2 1BY
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