SPRUCE Law Programme
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have attended the SPRUCE (Student Pre University Court Exposure) Law Programme for post-16 students. They have listened to Judges, law professionals/practitioners and academics about the study and practice of law in a wide range of areas and learned about practical issues which arise whilst contemplating a future career in Law.
Legal Law Course Participate Active listening Willingness to learn Informed decision making Communication Career development Work ExperienceCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has attended three full days of the SPRUCE Law Programme to increase their knowledge and understanding of a range of law disciplines. Earner has participated in active listening and learning from law professionals and academics and has taken the opportunity to ask questions.
Earner has participated and/or observed a mock trial based on a historical case in Bradford City Hall's old Crown Court.
Earner has increased their knowledge of law to make an informed choice regarding their future law career and is clear about the educational routes of study into the law sector. This has demonstrated commitment to their career development.
Earner has used their reflective skills to complete the SPRUCE Law Programme's evaluation form to ensure full feedback has been provided on the Programme.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
Bradford Combined Court Centre, 38 Drake Street, Bradford, United Kingdom, BD1 1JA
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