Wakefield summer s’cool – Let’s Make Music Day 1: New Artist
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Earners of this badge have completed day 1 of the ‘Let’s Make Music’ programme as part of Wakefield summer s’cool, delivered by Northstar 360.
Interpersonal communications Teamwork Critical thinking Programming (music) Communications Problem solving Tenacity Music Industry insight Workshop ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has participated in an induction session to meet their tutors and peers and select a song to reimagine or rearrange throughout the week.
Earner has contributed to team discussions about their chosen track to share their experiences and ideas, demonstrating good team working and communication skills.
Earner has attended a lesson to increase their understanding of Drum Programming and Basslines. While taking part in the workshop earner demonstrated good logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Earner has completed their first studio session with professional engineers and has demonstrated a good understanding of Drum Programming and Baselines.
Earner has demonstrated tenacity by reflecting on their experience of the day to identify any challenges and how they intend to overcome them throughout the week.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Cotton Mill, Tileyard North, Wakefield, United Kingdom, WF1 5FY
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Cotton Mill, Tileyard North, Wakefield, United Kingdom, WF1 5FY
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