Playwork Employment Academy
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have completed an introductory course to build the skills they need to commence a career working with children in a Playwork or Afterschool Club setting. The Academy course content is a 4-day workshop in which they have been instructed on the underpinning principles, values and requirements to work in the industry. Earners have learned about safeguarding, the development of children's playstyles, health and safety, how children play and preparing for a work-based interview.
Communication Teamwork Safegaurding Problem solving Health and safety Risk assessing Education Playwork Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated problem solving skills, safeguarding skills and health and safety skills when completing a risk assessment. This knowledge will enable earner to work as part of a professional team within the Playwork industry. Courses have been completed using a hybrid delivery model and earner understands the required standards for behaviour and conduct in the industry. Earner completed a risk assessment to demonstrate that they are also able to protect staff and learners on outings.
Earner has demonstrated their communication and safeguarding skills by completing a fact sheet detailing their roles & responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children. Earner is able to identify when abuse and neglect may be happening and understands how to use their teamwork and collaboration skills to respond appropriately to concerns.
Earner has explored the ways in which a child develops; on the course, earner has learned about physical, cognitive, emotional and social development relating to growth and wellbeing throughout a child and young person’s life. Earner understands the importance of empathy when supporting children throughout their development.
Earner has participated in tasks to enable them to understand how children play and the impact this has cognitively, socially, and physically on the child. Earner understands the value of structured and unstructured time to explore the child’s development. Earner has attended a training session and gave feedback to demonstrate learning.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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