Classroom Assistant Level 3: Language Development
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated their understanding of the importance of speech, language and communication for children & young people's overall development and interaction with others. Earners have explored ways to support children & young people in the development of their speech, language and communication skills as well as supporting bilingual learners.
Learning support skills Recording and reporting Multicultural education Literacy Education Language development Course Participate CommunicationCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has shown their ability to understand how to contribute to the assessment of bilingual learners and how to support them throughout their education. Earner did this by making learning resources more accessible which supports inclusivity for learners. Earner has also developed a resource to be used as a reference for new staff members in order to show their learning; demonstrating their literacy skills, learning support skills and multi cultural education skills.
Earner has developed their understanding of the importance of speech, language and communication for children & young people’s overall development. Earner has demonstrated an understanding of their role by creating an independent theoretical research piece which evidenced their communication skills and literacy skills. In this written documentation they described a minimum of two theories of speech, language, and communication.
Earner has provided support for the speech, language and communication development of children & young people in the learning environment. Earner has evidenced their contributions to maintaining a positive learning environment that supports verbal communication; which helps to demonstrate their communication skills and their interpersonal skills. Earner has also evidenced their learning by interviewing colleagues and submitting a written piece to outline their findings.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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