Classroom Assistant Level 3: Educational Transition
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have developed their knowledge, understanding and skills to support children and young people through transitions in their lives. It requires competence in recognising and responding to signs and indications of transitions and supporting them to manage transitions and reach positive outcomes.
Communication Learning support skills Relationship building Educational assessment Strategic thinking Interpersonal skills Education Educational transition Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated that they understand the range and impact of transitions that children and young people may experience. They have shown their understanding and visual communication skills by creating a display board in the corridor of the school. The display board explained how a child or young person’s approach to transitions may be affected by their culture, religion, personal beliefs, gender, stage of development & previous experiences.
Earner has shown their ability to recognise and respond to transitions in children and young people’s lives. Earner can explain the signs and indications that a child or young person is experiencing a transition in their life and provide opportunities for exploration of specific events or experiences that may influence this; they are able to apply strategic thinking when finding ways to support leaners. Earner has created a case study to identify signs of concern or distress learners may feel in relation to transition as well as showing how to recognise changes.
Earner has demonstrated their ability to support children and young people to manage transitions in their lives. They have taken part in a group discussion about the methods used to support children and young people to manage transitions in their lives and how transition can effect the individual.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
Earn this badge
Participate in these activities to earn this badge:
Classroom Assistant Level 3 - Educational Transitions
01 October 2023
Classroom Assistant Level 3
01 October 2023
This badge is part of a wider objective, on these pathways:
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