
OCN NI Level 3 Award in Working with Children and Young People with Special Needs

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have developed the skills and knowledge required to work effectively with children & young people who have been diagnosed with special educational needs. Earners have demonstrated their understanding of factors affecting learners and the strategies available for supporting children and young people in educational settings. Earners have also evidenced their knowledge in regards to the principals and practice of advocacy, and how self advocacy empowers the learner.

Participate Literacy skills Advocacy Research Professionalism Critical thinking Health education Reporting Communication Teamwork Education Special educational needs Course


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has demonstrated their critical thinking and research skills by comparing the theories of attitudes and models of working with children & young people with special educational needs. Earner completed a fact sheet to evidence this learning.
Earner has demonstrated their reporting skills by comparing factors that impact the development of children & young people in relation to learning and wider education. Earner has completed written notes and a report to evidence this.
Earner has demonstrated their literacy skills by summarising strategies that support children and young people with special educational needs. Earners also used their research skills by completing a case study which explained legislation, statutory requirements and principals associated with special educational needs.
Earner has developed their professionalism and health education skills by contributing to a group discussion exploring the roles and responsibilities of professionals working with special educational needs. Earner has also displayed their teamwork and communication skills when verbally comparing the various roles and responsibilities of professionals working in this field.
Earner has demonstrated their advocacy skills by completing a written piece explaining what is meant by the terms social inclusion and advocacy. Earner has compared different forms of advocacy and explained how they empower the individual learner and their families.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP


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