Gold Profile
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have built their globalbridge learner profile to a very high standard, which has been verified by a member of the globalbridge team.
Aiming high Creativity Working independently Commitment Education Professionalism Learner Profile Membership ParticipateCriteria
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Earner has built their globalbridge learner profile to a very high standard by adding varied content to each section including photos, videos, experiences, qualifications and talents.
Earner has shown dedication and commitment to the continued development of their globalbridge learner profile by logging in regularly and working independently on their profile in their own time.
Earner has understood the importance of digitally presenting themselves in a professional manner by self selecting appropriate and professional content to add to their globalbridge profile.
Earner has understood the importance of evidencing their skills, talents, experiences and achievements by utilising their globalbridge profile. This allows them an insight into what employers are looking for and helps them to promote themselves in future applications and interviews.
Earner has demonstrated their creativity skills by utilising the various sections of their globalbridge profile and generating ideas for content to include, while visually curating a multi-media profile.
Earner has shown that they are aiming high by taking the time to build their globalbridge learner profile to a high standard, demonstrating their drive for career and personal development.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees
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