Playwork Level 3: Self-Directed Play
Available from multiple providers
Earner has developed the knowledge, understanding and some elements of practice that a playworker requires to support children and young people’s freely chosen, self-directed play and, are able to reflect on their practice. It also evaluates the impact of adult intervention and assesses the competence a playworker needs to plan for and support the self-directed play of children and young people.
Evaluation Information handling Observation Literacy Presentation Creative Collaborative play Health and safety Education Playwork Self-directed play Course Participate CommunicationCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their evaluation and literacy skills when completing a written piece outlining the impact of adult intervention on children and young people’s play. Earner has described how the presence of an adult can affect a child's style of play, language, behaviour and independence.
Earner has demonstrated their collaborative play, creativity, communication skills and health and safety when taking part in a group discussion on the importance of creating safe play spaces that children and young people can adapt to their own needs. They also completed a fact sheet to highlight their understanding of balancing requirements for health, safety and welfare with the need for stimulation, challenge and risk when playing.
Earner has displayed their presentation, observation and information handling skills when delivering a presentation to colleagues on self-directed play. Earner has reported on observations they had carried out, with children and young people, playing in a service setting. The presentation highlighted the children's' play preferences and ideas, and evidenced how different playwork strategies were used by the learners and how they benefitted from them.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Antrim, BT9 6SP
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Belfast City Council Level 3 Playwork Upskilling Academy – Self – directed Play
16 October 2023
Belfast City Council Level 3 Playwork Upskilling Academy – Self – directed Play
16 October 2023
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