Introduction to Financial Services
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have gained an awareness of the financial services industry, different services within the sector and importance of the industry in the modern world.
Banking Financial services Financial services regulation Administration Sector specific skills Workshop ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has gained an awareness of the financial services industry, different services within the sector and the importance of the industry in the modern world.
Earner has gained an awareness of financial services, including the economic services provided by the finance industry.
Earner has gained awareness of a broad range of businesses that manage money, including: credit unions, retails banks, investment banks, stock brokerages and investment funds.
Earner has had an overview of services offered by banks to their customers, and who are customers of a bank.
Earner has had an introduction to financial services regulations, including the importance of information security.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
9-12 Adelaide Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT2 8DJ
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