Playwork Level 3: Relationship Management
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated the competence playworker needs to develop & promote positive working relationships with children, young people and adults in a play environment.
Communication Interpersonal skill Co-operation Listening Relationship building Conflict management Teamwork Adaptability Education Relationship management Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their co-operation, interpersonal and relationship building skills when being observed leading a play session which aimed to encourage children to feel valued in the play environment. Earner has demonstrated their ability to co-operate with children & young people by encouraging them to make decisions, appropriate to their own needs, such as deciding which activities they would like to undertake. Earner has displayed their ability to adapt the session to meet individual needs.
Earner has demonstrated listening & communication skills when conversing with colleagues/parents in the play environment. Earner has been observed giving parents a handover at the end of a play session; they have demonstrated their ability to interact politely and courteously with colleagues and parents. Earner has shown respect for individual needs, cultural differences and language barriers. They also actively listened and clarified key points.
Earner has demonstrated their conflict management & teamwork skills by completing a written piece summarising strategies for conflict management and how these could be applied when working as part of a team in a playwork environment. Earner has detailed how they would handle disagreements with adults in a way that would maintain positive working relationships and how they would respond to requests for information whilst maintaining confidentiality.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
Earn this badge
Participate in these activities to earn this badge:
Belfast City Council Level 3 Playwork Upskilling Academy - Relationship Management
16 October 2023
Belfast City Council Level 3 Playwork Upskilling Academy - Relationship Management
16 October 2023
This badge is part of these pathways:
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