Health & Social Care Level 5: Quality Assurance
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have the knowledge, understanding and skills required to manage quality assurance and quality improvement systems in a health & social care setting. Earners understand the key elements of a quality service and the importance of effective governance when leading and managing a health & social care team.
Communication Information management Analytical Critical thinking Quality management Literacy Presentation Complaint handling Customer service Teamwork Education Quality assurance Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their communication, information management, analytical and critical thinking skills by producing a written piece that critically analysed a range of communication skills and methods. Earner has also described the consequences of poor information management on effective practice, taking into consideration GDPR standards. They outlined best practices when recording, reporting and storing information in a health and social care setting.
Earner has demonstrated their quality management, literacy, teamwork and presentation skills when working as part of a group to deliver a presentation. The presentation gave an overview of regulation and legislation that informs best practice in relation to quality service standards in a health and social care setting. The group analysed key elements of the quality assurance systems in their work place and the impact they had on improving the standard of care in their service.
Earner has demonstrated their leadership, complaint handling and customer service skills when being observed leading a team meeting. During the meeting recent complaints were analysed and the team extracted the learning from the incidents in order to improve service provision. Earner has explained the complaints procedure to new staff members and supported them to complete a mock complaints form. Earner has explained the importance of effective customer service and complaints management throughout.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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