Health & Social Care Level 5: Person Centred Practice
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have the knowledge, understanding and skills required in the process of planning and achieving positive outcomes that underpin the personalisation agenda. This unit covers a range of key areas of practice that support the implementation of personalisation. The unit also explores the role of the manager/senior worker in providing a supportive environment for individuals to achieve positive outcomes.
Participate Person Centred Practice Education Communication Report Writing Health Management Computer Skills Equality & Diversity Course Leadership Literacy Care PlanningCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their report writing and equality & diversity skills to produce a report that explained the underpinning principles of equality, diversity & inclusion. The report included real life examples from earners own setting e.g. celebrating Chinese New Year or planning a festival for the end of Ramadan. They detailed a range of methods relating to equality & diversity promotion, and how they implemented these methods in practice.
Earner has demonstrated their care planning, literacy and computer skills when producing a digital care plan for a service user which included the individual's history, preferences, wishes and needs. The care plan was person centred and focused on providing support that would enrich the life of the individual. The care plan was agreed with the service user, their next of kin and their social worker.
Earner has demonstrated how they are able to support inclusion and inclusive practices when working with vulnerable adults. Earner has explained what is meant by inclusion, identified barriers to participation and demonstrated ways of supporting inclusive practices during a class debate and a written submission.
Earner has demonstrated their leadership, health management and communication skills when producing a resource for new team members outlining the benefit of a healthy lifestyle and making healthy choices. It also detailed appropriate methods of meeting the individual's health needs when following a care plan e.g. when thickening fluids or following an exercise plan. Earner has also led a training session with staff to highlight how lifestyle impacts health when ageing.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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