
Transport Academy Induction

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have completed their Induction into the Belfast City Council Transport Academy. They have gained knowledge of the overall academy, timeframes, what qualifications and experience they will gain and how to apply for jobs when the academy is complete.

Participate Transportation Induction Interview Technique Registration Following Instructions Workshop Willingness To Learn


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has taken part in an induction workshop and demonstrated their ability to follow instructions and complete tasks to register for the academy.
Earner has taken part in the induction day of the Transport Academy, showing their ability to follow instructions, complete registrations and surveys as required and gain the knowledge and information required to complete the academy.
Earner has successfully completed an interview to demonstrate suitability and commitment to completing the Transport Academy and entering work as a Driver on completion of the academy.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Belfast City Council, 9 Adelaide St, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT2 8GA


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