Presentation Skills
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have the knowledge and understanding in management and leadership and know how to apply this to effectively lead and manage a team.
Presentation skills Literacy Analysing Strategic thinking Education Leadership Course Participate Teamwork Team managementCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has used their team work, team management and presentation skills to work as a team to develop a presentation that explains the features of a teams performance and how to effectively develop a high performance team. They also identified the teams objectives, vision and strategic direction and explained this verbally to the group. They then used these objectives to identify the strengths and areas for improvement within the team and explained how to manage and resolve any skills gaps.
Earner has demonstrated their literacy and leadership skills by producing a written report that reviewed the theories and models of leadership and management. They then analysed the skills required, within their own setting, to explain how to be an effective leader and manager and the steps they could take to create a high performance work place with positive outcomes for the service users. This information was then used to inform the earners personal development plan.
Earner has demonstrated their analysing, strategic thinking and group work skills by working with their peers to examine emerging theories and frameworks within the professional services domain.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 , Malone Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT9 6SP
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