
Building Self-Confidence

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have explored strategies to develop their self confidence, self love, self awareness and self compassion. They have also explored activities and exercises to continue strengthening their self awareness and nurturing their self confidence.

Self confident Self-awareness Self-motivation Compassion Positive mental attitude Creative Aspiration raising Confidence Building Exercises Workshop Participate


Earner has explored the definition of self-confidence and the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem. Earners have discussed strategies to increase their self-confidence, through confidence building exercises and positive affirmations.
Earner has explored the meaning of self-love and ways to be more compassionate with themselves through an individual written task which explored positive self-talk phrases, to support their overall confidence and self-motivation levels, as well as their empathy and compassion skills.
Earner has deepened their connection with themselves and increased their self-awareness, through completing a written gratitude exercise and exploring the factors that contribute to their mental attitude.
This badge is open to all.
9-21 Adelaide Street, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT2 8DJ


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