
STCW: Personal Survival Techniques

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have completed and passed the Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques training as per the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (1978).

Survival techniques Manoeuvring with a life jacket Calm under pressure Travel Health and safety Course Demonstrate


This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.

Earner has increased their knowledge of Personal Survival Techniques by receiving classroom-based instruction and watching demonstrations from an instructor.
Earner has demonstrated their comprehension and competence through their responses to given scenarios, and by practising procedures under an instructor’s supervision.
Earner has demonstrated the skills required for survival in the event of ship abandonment. This includes fitting a lifejacket, donning, and using an immersion suit under assessment conditions.
Earner has demonstrated the tools and knowledge to deal with the event of ship abandonment. This includes safely jumping from a height into the water, boarding a survival craft from ship and water, and taking initial actions on boarding survival craft to enhance chance of survival under assessment conditions.
Earner has demonstrated what to do in the event of jumping overboard. This includes righting an inverted life raft while wearing a lifejacket, swimming while wearing a lifejacket, and keeping afloat without a lifejacket under assessment conditions.
Earner has demonstrated essential skills required in the event of a survival situation. This includes streaming a drogue/sea-anchor, operating survival craft equipment, and operating location devices under assessment conditions.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Unit 7, 26 Stockmans Lane, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 7ET


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