STCW: First Aid
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have completed and passed the assessment for Proficiency in Elementary First Aid Duties training, including relevance to available equipment on a merchant vessel.
Basic first aid Automated external defibrillator Health and safety Travel Course DemonstrateCriteria
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Earner has increased their knowledge of First Aid procedures by receiving classroom-based instruction and watching demonstrations from an instructor.
Earner has demonstrated their comprehension and competence through their responses to given scenarios, and by practising procedures under an instructor’s supervision.
Earner has successfully applied their learning to demonstrate appropriate casualty handling, including how to use first aid equipment on-board (including an automated external defibrillator) and including placing patients in the recovery position. All resuscitation techniques were demonstrated under assessment conditions.
Earner meets the First Aid safety requirements of Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (1978).
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Lagan Marine Training, Unit 7, 26 Stockmans Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 7ET
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