Resilience & Wellbeing
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have developed a range of classroom support tools & strategies to help meet the needs of developing children whilst also supporting their wellbeing during the return to education. They have understood the importance of developing an awareness of learning challenges, barriers & abilities. Earners develop insight that raises the knowledge of the learning assistant by exploring the following topics: how pupils learn, diversity & special educational needs.
Literacy Reflective practice Analysis Creative planning Design Collaboration Presentation Ict Education Resilience Course Participate Professionalism CommunicationCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their communication, reflective practice, literacy, and analytical skills when recording a detailed reflective journal which evidenced their progress when working with a child/young person who required social & emotional support. The journal focused on understanding the presenting social & emotional learning and applying it to relevant research. Earners also shared their experiences & areas for growth within the journal & analysed their performance & growth.
Earner has demonstrated their ICT, presentation, creative planning and design skills when developing a Social Story for a child or young person with additional needs. Earners worked as part of a team to create the communication aid. Earners evidenced their professional and collaboration skills during this process by presenting their finished piece to their peers and explaining the reason for the design and the associated benefits for the child/young person.
Earner has developed their inclusion, resilience and wellbeing skills when reviewing a case study that explains a range of classroom support tools & strategies that to help meet the needs of children and young people. The case study also detailed the importance of supporting the persons wellbeing during their return to education. The earner of this badge evidenced their understanding of the importance of developing an awareness of learning challenges, barriers & abilities.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Stranmillis University College, Stranmillis Road, Belfast , United Kingdom, BT9 5DY
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