Micro Skills
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have developed the required micro skills that will enable them to deliver effective learner support, that is appropriate in terms of mindfulness and wellbeing for all and is supportive of the pupils’ ability and achievement with the school/college environment. Earners have developed skills in guidance & pastoral support, listening & questioning, teaching support, target setting, cognitive development.
Reflective practice Literacy Critical thinking Evaluation Analysis Guidance Pastoral support Listening and questioning Teaching support Cognitive development Education Micro Skills Course Participate Planning TeamworkCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated effective planning, reflective practice and literacy skills when developing a plan for working with co-professionals to achieve a specific outcome for a pupil they are responsible for. Once a written plan was created earner then reflected on their own interpersonal and intrapersonal skills and abilities and highlighted areas of achievement and areas for development.
Earner has demonstrated teamwork, analysis, critical thinking, and evaluation skills when producing a written piece that critically evaluated relationships and positive psychology ideas using Hargie’s model of good communication skills training. Earner analysed the 7 micro skills of good communication and relationships, and reflectively explored their impact on pupils they had previously worked with.
Earner has developed skills in guidance, pastoral support, listening and questioning, teaching support & cognitive development skills. Earner conducted a literature review on micro skills in education and delivered a presentation reflecting on their work as a coach-mentor that uses counselling & facilitation skills to provider appropriate learner support within an educational setting.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Stranmillis university college, Stranmillis Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT95DY
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